Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Today was a day...

Well i think i can safely say, today has been a day.
Not really bad.
yet not really fabulous.

But when you wake up too pouring down rain
and you have only gotten around 6 to 7 hours of sleep...
(because you were taking an algebra test for 3 HOURS the night before)
jump out of bed, go straitin your hair NOT THINKING. AT ALL.
that it is POURING DOWN rain out side so its gonna frizz...
put on your make-up. FAST.
rush down the stairs. eat a cereal bar. drink some milk.

get too school. get SOAKED getting out of the car.
run too your class room to learn, your having class in a different class room.
go to the new class room. sit down ready to take HISTORY notes :P
you can not WAIT. till history is over. counting down the seconds.
THEN you find out your lit. teacher is NOT THERE.
so you have 30 more min. of. HISTORY.
take a quiz in 25 min. when the lit teacher wanted us to have an hour
go back during your LUNCH break to finish the quiz.
when you get to the the class realize you needed to borrow someones book.
run back through the rain to get david's book.
go BACK (again).
get to work on your quiz for about 15 min.
leave with out even having finished my quiz. AGAIN.
so the first part of my day was an EPIC FAIL.
although the last half was not bad.

i just remain to think. keep your patience.
GOD is patient with you. be patient with others.

do not be quick to anger.
as bad as you want to scream.


  1. EPIC FAIL is right girl, nice day, but remember every thing happens for a reason!!!!!
