Tonight in family bible study my mom read a verse that really struck me, i have heard it several times but never really took the time to break it down. I am a very analytical person, which is both a good and bad thing. But in this situation it actually helps for me to over think. 1 Thessalonians 5:18 says "Give thanks in all circumstances; for this is the will of God by Christ Jesus for you."... So i know what you are thinking, "yeah, yeah i have heard that one a million times." But have you really thought it through? Have you thought about the fact that the things that ruin your days, and make life harder, and make you upset are something you should be thankful for? I am still fully grasping this... but it all the hard times in life lead you to where you should be. Nothing that happens to you is an mistake. Think of the very worst thing that is happening to you right now. Now remember that it is in God's plan for your life, and without that piece of your story you might not end up where you should. Where you are in life is truly God's will for your life. Do you think God is making a mistake, or something is going wrong in his eyes? Absolutely not. Not only should you accept that it is for the best but also be thankful for it. As hard as it is you must be thankful for the situation you are going through.
I challenge you this week to take a look at all the things that you view as bad things and get a new perspective. Find a reason to be thankful, find the good in the situation. Because i promise there is good there somewhere, and even if you can not see it now it is there and one day it will be clear.
Love every single one of you. :)